Although more than 12 million people receive disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA), only one-third of the applications are approved for benefits after the initial determination process. More than two-thirds of applicants must struggle through a complicated appeal process to get the benefits they deserve.
A proven record of success is why Disability Partners, PLLC, is the disability benefits lawyer you can look up to when you have questions and concerns about benefits available through the Social Security Administration. Our dedicated disability lawyers are committed to helping you navigate through the complexities of the application process and, if necessary, challenge an adverse determination through the appeal process.
We offer a free consultation and claim evaluation to let you know which of the two disability programs, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), is the right one for you. We then work with you to put together an application or appeal that is supported by medical records and other evidence to give you the best chance at achieving a successful outcome.
An accomplished SSD lawyer from Disability Partners, PLLC, uses an unsurpassed knowledge of the law and federal regulations to ensure that your application or appeal for SSI and SSDI benefits meets all the eligibility requirements. A lack of medical evidence can delay or defeat an otherwise valid claim, so we make certain that all medical records containing a diagnosis backed by clinical examinations and diagnostic testing results are submitted in support of the application or appeal.
The experience of our experienced SSI lawyer stands out during the appeal process when preparing briefs containing persuasive arguments or submitting evidence supporting your right to SSD benefits. Your disability lawyer will be with you at each level of the disability appeal process, including:
Can we make a difference in the outcome of your disability appeal? According to a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office, people with representation had a success rate that was three times higher than those who tried to handle their claim for benefits on their own.
If you are financially struggling because a disability prevents you from working, you may think you cannot afford to hire an SSDI lawyer. Disability Partners, PLLC, wants you to have the benefit of skilled and resourceful legal representation, so we get paid only when your claim for benefits is approved. Social Security pays us a small percentage of the awarded benefits subject to approval by the Social Security Administration.
Let a compassionate and experienced disability lawyer from Disability Partners, PLLC, make a difference in your life by relieving you of the burden of fighting the Social Security Administration. We know the law and have the experience and the know-how to get you the SSI and SSDI benefits that you are eligible to receive. Contact us for a free consultation and claim evaluation.